Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tying One On

I finally got into low gear and started on the loom, it does take a little coercing, but once I'm on the loom it's hard to stop. My Tia Eppie Archuleta said something like this..........I'll stay up all night 'till I get a piece : )
I decided to break up the tela (warp) on the 38" loom into two smaller weavings and a 5" band that will probably end up as coasters.

I also decided to show the steps I take to getting a piece, or two or three.

Step one: tie tela warp
each weaving has double string edges
to help mis-shaping
Step 1b: turn on some good music
Step 2: pick your colors
Step 3: make canillas, used in lanzadera for the solid parts, cadejos used for the design part, and butterfy used same as cadejo, but doesn't roll off the telar loom.

Step 3: start your weavings
my viewpoint


Psychomom said...

I have tomorrow off so I'm tying one on too, 26 years on the job manana!

Lookin' GOOD

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't get too f'd up last night. Rita and I are driving to Burque' today to pick up my cork flooring for the bathroom. I hope I finish that damn bathroom soon.