Friday, November 16, 2007

Western Saddle Blankets

These western style saddle blankets are the first two of a series. They are woven with three colors; the campo (field) color changes while the border colors remain the same in dark brown and natural white.

"Saddle Blanket in Three Colors" is the first of the series

"Red Hot Saddle Blanket" is the second in the series

The two saddle blankets are similar in style and border design. The campo color is different in both and will be in the continuing series.

These are for sale at the prict of $325.00 each. Please send an email for purchasing instructions. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I finished the pieces I started here they are, this is what my brain came up with.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Trip to the Big City of Albuquerque

My sister and I took a day trip to Albuquerque. She drove so I was assigned to take pictures. Without slowing down or stopping, I managed to get some good ones. This is a the beautiful and majestice Sangre de Cristo mountains at Santa Fe that add to the beauty of the capitol city.

The Sangre de Cristo Mountains at Santa Fe taken facing North from Albuquerque

This is a picture of the descent from Santa Fe to Cochiti Pueblo also called La Abajada.

La bajada from Santa Fe to Albuquerque with Rio Grande Bosque

The next photo was taken to show that the concrete barriers holding tons of earth along Hwy285/84 is slipping and soon may crash onto the highway. Better get some engineers out there soon.

A little problem at Exit 599 that needs some attention

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tying One On

I finally got into low gear and started on the loom, it does take a little coercing, but once I'm on the loom it's hard to stop. My Tia Eppie Archuleta said something like this..........I'll stay up all night 'till I get a piece : )
I decided to break up the tela (warp) on the 38" loom into two smaller weavings and a 5" band that will probably end up as coasters.

I also decided to show the steps I take to getting a piece, or two or three.

Step one: tie tela warp
each weaving has double string edges
to help mis-shaping
Step 1b: turn on some good music
Step 2: pick your colors
Step 3: make canillas, used in lanzadera for the solid parts, cadejos used for the design part, and butterfy used same as cadejo, but doesn't roll off the telar loom.

Step 3: start your weavings
my viewpoint

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coasters *Sold*

Here is a small sample of my weaving.

I weave coasters because they are affordable and they make great gifts. My loom is set up to make multiples of 3 coasters, each approximately 3.5"x 3.5" in size.
This set of 3 *Sold* for $20

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dream Weavings; you dream it up, I'll weave it.

Here is a sample of my work
this weaving is now in my friends home in
Santa Fe...the city different.
These I couldn't part with, but name
your favorite team and I'll give it a shot.
Favorite Team
Favorite SS

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Here are some of my weavings. These are for sale by special order and I would be honored to weave one for you.

A Lonely Weaving #1
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Sale price $800.00
This lovely Spanish Saltillo Serape was inspired by and presented as a gift to Henry Garza of Los Lonely Boys at the Denver Fillore concert 2006

A Lonely Weaving #2
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Lonely Weaving #2; 33" x 53" ; Price $850.00

Another style of weaving that I learned from my Grandmother, Agueda Martinez, is the Rio Grande shown below. This one is the Starburst Design in Fall Colors, it is done in the Movida Despacio or slow move.
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Rio Grande Starburst in Fall Colors, movida despacio; 33" x 53" ; price $550.00

Here's a bit of a twist of the same design with color and weaving changes. This is done in the movida rapido or fast move, which gives it a bit of an eye dazzler look.
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Rio Grande Starburst in Fall Colors Movida Rapido; 33" x 53" ; price $550.00

You can pay me through my PayPal account at:
Click on the send money tab and enter:
Then enter the price and select GOODS. Follow the prompts to complete the transaction.

The charms below are $7.00 each which includes shipping.

Sunday, October 21, 2007